miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

DAY 5 - The Route of the Sun

Today we have set out for the bus terminal of Cusco that goes to Puno. This journey has lasted approximately 11 hours.
During the whole trip we have done the Route of the Sun, the first stop has been Andahuaylillas. Here we have seen the Temple of Saint Peter the Apostle known as the Sistine Chapel of America.
The next stop has been the Raqchi Archaeological Complex where the Temple of Wiracocha (The Supreme God of the Incas) stands out.
We have stopped in Sicuani where we have had lunch typical Andean food, it had option for vegetarians too. It has been great, there was a huge variety of food and was it was delicious. ( You can see photos of the restaurant below).
We continue with El Paso La Raya, it is the highest point of the route. They have given us time to take pictures of the Nevado de Chimboya, a mountain that makes the border between Cusco and Puno. 
The next stop was at the Pukara Lithic Museum.
The last stop was at the Kalassaya Archaeological Complex, where the Kalassaya pyramid stands out with a height of 30 metres. 
Finally we arrived in Puno. The bus ride has been exhausting but it has been very worthwhile, we have loved to learn about the Inca culture and Pucará culture.
Here you have a video made by one of the tourit guides that form the company which travels to the Route of the Sun.

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